A little exploration

| April 27, 2010

The cubs are starting to venture out and explore a little bit — they seem to particularly enjoy a pile of tiles in one corner of the garden, which is rapidly becoming a fox cub adventure playground… (Disclaimer on photo quality: the light was going, there’s only so much image stabilisation can do, and our […]

The cubs are out…

| April 26, 2010

The first sighting of the fox cubs on video was late in the evening of 25th April… three cubs spotted. (Click on “more” to see the videos.)

I have deployed Technology

| April 21, 2010

Being a bit of a sad geek, I have deployed Technology (in the shape of an infra-red video/still camera) to help me keep tabs on our resident foxes. Last night I was repaid: (Click on either photo to enlarge it, and click anywhere on the resulting larger photo to close it again.)


| April 14, 2010

I’ve just been out into the garden and, as has happened quite often lately, there was a *rustle*crash* as of something seeing me and legging it over the back fence. This time, that something was slow enough that I could tell it was one of the local foxes. But there was still a bit of […]